Hudson and Valdeci
Farm: Alto da Serra
Grower: Hudson Vilela and Valdeci Domingos
City: Ilicínea
Region: Southern Minas Gerais
Altitude: 1340
Varieties: Topazio and Yellow Catuaí
Planted area: 08 hectares
This story begins about 30 years ago, Valdeci worked on a large coffee farm, and Hudson, a 4th generation native of a traditional family of coffee growers, was still a child, running between his grandfather's coffee grounds, both sharing a dream, having and produce quality coffees. Years later, the paths of the two crossed, Hudson married the eldest daughter of Valdeci, and thus began to realize the dream of two producers, who had the opportunity to acquire a property with high altitude and believed in what they all said to be impossible, to produce special coffees in the mountains that of God received of gift. It was at the junction of a family seeking the same ideal. With a lot of work, persistence and dedication we began the formation of our crops at 1,340 meters of altitude, in its highest point, where are grown cafes of the Topázio and Catuaí varieties yellow
The property was then named Fazenda Furnas, but later known as "Fazenda Alto da Serra", is located in a region of hills of the city of Ilicínea, in the southern region of Minas Gerais. With a beautiful view, to enchant the eyes and the heart, as we say here, "a little piece of heaven" because we are literally in the clouds.
In a privileged region, and with every effort, since the .firstharvest the coffees produced on the estate were classified as special, with a unique and irresistible flavor. Overcoming the climatic difficulties of the region, such as the incidence of strong winds, which brought the need for investments to protect the crop.
Aiming for continuous improvement, the family dedicates themselves with love in all activities of the Farm, seeking new knowledge and specializations adding quality and excellence to our special coffees.