Farm: Córrego Dantas
Grower: João Paulo França
City: Ilicínea
Region: Southern Minas Gerais
Altitude: 1250
Varieties: Yellow Catuaí and Mundo Novo
Planted area: 20 hectares
The father of João Paulo França, Mr. Lazaro França, was very passionate about coffee and always encouraged and showed John Paul how gratifying to work with these grains. As a child, João saw his father working in the fields and wondered how he could improve the quality of the coffee. After the death of his father, João Paulo began to administer the farm. In the months of July to October when the harvest happens, João Paulo has the help of his brother Marcos França. All harvests are made manually because the coffee plantations are in the mountains the difficult access to agricultural machinery for harvesting and transportation of the coffee. The processing of the coffee is by dry means (natural), because on the farm, João Paulo has no washer and coffee separator, and thinking about a quality coffee, John Paul selectively harvests, prioritizing the very mature beans. The transport to the drying yard is done on a small motorcycle. João Paulo takes care of the harvest with great affection and is always in search of excellent quality coffee. John Paul is very happy about the legacy his father left him in the production of specialty coffees.