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Farm: Matão

Grower: Flaviane Botrel

City: Três Pontas

Region: Southern  Minas Gerais

Altitude: 930

Varieties: Yellow Catuai, Acaia, Red Icatu Mundo Novo, Red catuai and Topazio

Planted area: 300 hectares

Total area: 450 hectares 




With more than a century of existence, the Matão farm with tradition in coffee production, located around the Serra de Três Pontas, has been producing quality drink. The story of this journey in coffee improvement and cultivation seeking better production results begins in the early twentieth century with Mr Aristides Botrel de Figueiredo. The hardworking family has continued its tradition, and Flaviane is one of the ranch managers. She is every day bringing more technology and innovations to produce quality coffee.
 The mountainous region of southern Minas, where the farm is located, is extremely suitable for coffee cultivation. Its slightly rugged terrain and altitudes ranging from 900 to 1100 m altitude. The tropical and mild climate coupled with the high altitude contribute to the production of very high quality coffees.







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