Farm: São Gabriel
Grower: Ernani and Mauricio
Location: Santana da Vargem and Coqueiral
Region: Southern Minas Gerais
Altitude: 980
Varieties: Yellow Catuai, Red Catuai, Topázio, Mundo Novo, Obatã
Planted area: 300 hectares
Total area: 280 hectares
Ernani de Paiva is 82 years old and a veteran and faithful coffee producer. One of the family properties is Fazenda São Gabriel, which is a family heirloom. Mr. Ernani's father-in-law already produced coffee, worked with dairy cattle. Mr. Ernani started to get involved at a very young age in coffee growing and always tried to understand how he could produce specialty coffees. Nowadays, who manages and coordinates the part of specialty coffees is his son Mauricio. Mauricio is an agronomist and is always focused on the production and quality of all the coffees on the property. They are testing new post-harvest processing, such as fermentations, static boxes, etc. The Paiva Araujo family always seeks to keep up with the news of the specialty coffee market, always aiming at learning for its employees, sustainability and preservation of nature.